31.01.2025: Market at duqo, Leipzig
18:00–22:00 • Secondhand Vinyl- & Clothing Market
Join us for an afternoon and evening of vinyl collecting, secondhand treasures, and quality tunes. Browse unique finds while enjoying vinyl ambient sets from 160GB & DJ Striezel. From 11pm onwards, the tempo picks up with sounds from e.m.s., Sachsenperle. Entrance is free.
+DJs from 18:00–03:00
01.02.2025: Panel Talk + Release Party MANIAC
18:00–19:00 • Live panel talk with wemory, Egotot, and Neele. we’ll reflect on the production process of music and records. We’ll discuss the necessary structures and conditions in Leipzig—and we’re eager to hear your experiences and ideas, so feel free to join in! As always at Sleeve++: Entrance is free.
+DJs from 16:00–21:00, celebrating the release of the first record by MANIAC.