
31.01.2025: Market at duqo, Leipzig
18:00–22:00 • Secondhand Vinyl- & Clothing Market
Join us for an afternoon and evening of vinyl collecting, secondhand treasures, and quality tunes. Browse unique finds while enjoying vinyl ambient sets from 160GB & DJ Striezel. From 11pm onwards, the tempo picks up with sounds from e.m.s., Sachsenperle. Entrance is free.
+DJs from 18:00–03:00

01.02.2025: Panel Talk + Release Party MANIAC
18:00–19:00 • Live panel talk with wemory, Egotot, and Neele. we’ll reflect on the production process of music and records. We’ll discuss the necessary structures and conditions in Leipzig—and we’re eager to hear your experiences and ideas, so feel free to join in! As always at Sleeve++: Entrance is free.
+DJs from 16:00–21:00, celebrating the release of the first record by MANIAC.

++2nd Hand Specials #2:

Der nächste 4er-Pack an besonderen und raren 2nd-Hand-Platten, die ihr euch sichern könnt. Local Pick-up in Leipzig only.

Preise auf Verhandlungsbasis. Bei Interesse bitte an schreiben und Preisvorschlag machen.
Don't Feed the Discogs Sharks!

Ceephax Acid Crew - Cro Magnox

Ceephax Acid Crew - Cro Magnox

WéMè Records • Cat.No: WEME025 • 3LP • 2013

Mystic, midtempo brain waves wrapped in warm cyberpunk light. Arguably the most mature Ceephax album to date.

Squarepusher - Selection Sixteen + Anti-Greylord Protection Scheme Prelude

Squarepusher - Selection Sixteen + Anti-Greylord Protection Scheme Prelude

Warp Records • Cat.No: WARPLP72 • 2LP + 10" • 1999

Trademark intelligent drumbreaks and holistic harmonies fueled by futuristic Jazz rockets. Full package 2LP+10".

Кофе - Баланс

Кофе - Баланс

Other Voices Records, Baran Records • Cat.No: VOX 20 LP, BR005 • LP • 2013

80’s cold wave & synth pop LP. Recorded in 1986 in Leningrad, USSR, released on tape. Now first time on vinyl.

Derek Marin - Brooklynized

Derek Marin - Brooklynized

Preset • Cat.No: Preset 03 • 12" • 2006

Techno-House 4 tracker on Greek label, shot to rarity fame in 2023. Phat oldschool sound and acidic deepness.

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